Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sometime during the 8 months following graduation and before entering Peace Corps, I became addicted to CrossFit.  I truly believe it changed my life for the better.  I instantly fell in love with the brutal ass kickings I encountered everyday at the box (Crossfit Full Strength!) and the camaraderie of the CrossFit community.  I was nowhere close to being at the competitive level, but Crossfit had become my life (perhaps I'm being a tad dramatic, but you get the point).

Now, I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer serving 27 months in rural Paraguay.  I'm lucky if I can find a flushing toilet for my seemingly endless diarrhea, yet alone anything that even slightly resembles a gym.  I tried to pick up running, but I decided it's just not for me.  I don't get the same high from trotaring (trotar=to jog) as I do from Crossfit, and today, I decided enough's enough.  No more jogging, WAY MORE CROSSFITTING!  Now obviously, I can only do bodyweight movements at the moment, but I'm open to suggestions for any new exercises or easy/cheap/preferably free ways to make equipment.  I also decided I'm going to publish my workouts because everyone wants to know what the rubia is doing (or perhaps the whole world doesn't care much about me as my rural community?)

Today was my first Crossfit workout back, and it felt OH SO GOOD! 


3 Rounds For Time (RFT): 19:21
100m run
30 pushups
100m run
30 squats
100m run
30 sit ups
100m run
30 supermans
I'm really pretty embarrassed about my time, but I'm happy to report I'm getting back in the game!

Feel free to leave any WOD ideas! 

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